Personal data and cookie policy

Nordjyske Museer (The Historical Museum of Northern Jutland)

The purpose of Nordjyske Museer’s personal data and cookie policy is to inform customers who visit the museum’s website, sign up for newsletters, purchase tickets online or purchase items in our webshop, about the way Nordjyske Museer processes personal data and to fulfil the obligation to provide information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. 14.

Data controller

The data controller for the collection, processing and use of your personal data at is Nordjyske Museer, Algade 48, 9000 Aalborg, CVR no. 23035855.

You can contact us by e-mail at [email protected].

The contact person responsible for personal data is our administration manager, Britta Hedegaard.

We have taken technical and organizational measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally or illegally deleted, publicly disclosed, lost, corrupted or disclosed to unauthorized persons, misused or otherwise processed in a manner that violates the law.

Processing of your personal data

Nordjyske Museer collects and processes your personal data when you do the following:

  • Visit our website
  • Purchase our products
  • Sign up for our newsletter
  • Submit questions, complaints or feedback

Personal data includes all kinds of information that can be directly or indirectly linked to you as an individual. When you use our website, we collect and process different kinds of personal data. This happens, for example, when you access content on our website, when you sign up for our newsletter, participate in contests or surveys, register as a user or subscriber, otherwise use services or make purchases on our website.

We typically collect and process the following types of data: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile, your IP number, geographic location, and which pages you click on (interests). To the extent that you provide consent to the collection of this information and willingly enter the information yourself, the following data is also processed: Name, telephone number, e-mail address, address and payment information. This information is typically collected in connection with a purchase.

If you want to purchase and receive a product or service from us, we need to collect certain personal data in order to process the transaction and offer you our services. We may need to use cookies to save the contents of your shopping basket while you use our museum shop and in our ticketing system.

We collect your general contact details, such as name and address, in order to deliver products or services that you purchase from us. We collect your e-mail address in order to send an order confirmation and delivery confirmation.

If you do not want to provide the personal data required to purchase a product, you will unfortunately not be able to purchase products using our website.

When you pay for your product or service, we collect your name, card details and IP address. The information we collect in connection with payment transactions is used and stored only for the purposes of processing payments and fulfilling the agreement we enter into when you make a purchase. When you make a payment, some of your data will be shared with, including information necessary to complete or support the payment process, such as the total purchase amount and billing details.

If you have provided consent to this during the registration process or on our website, we will use your e-mail address to send out a newsletter. You can subscribe and unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. All of the newsletters we send out also contain a link to unsubscribe. If our processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

Additionally, your personal data can generally be used to contact you to communicate information about similar events where it is assumed that you have an interest in receiving such information. If your personal data is used for marketing purposes, this will always be done in compliance with all applicable laws, including the Danish Marketing Practices Act.

Basis for processing and storage

Our legal basis for processing is:

a) Your consent.

b) Processing is necessary for the fulfillment of a purchase agreement to which you are a party.

c) Processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation imposed on Nordjyske Museer.

d) Processing is necessary for Nordjyske Museer or a third party’s legitimate interests, and these interests override the interests of the registered data subject.

We store your personal data until it is no longer relevant for Nordjyske Museer’s purposes and as long as is necessary in accordance with Danish law. If you withdraw your consent, Nordjyske Museer will retain your personal data for 2 years thereafter. This is performed in accordance with a statement from the Forbrugerombudsmanden (Danish Consumer Ombudsman), after which the information is deleted. If we have not used your consent for more than 2 years, Nordjyske Museer will also delete your personal data. However, in addition to what is stated in the GDPR, all transactional data is stored for 5 years in accordance with the Regnskabslov (Danish Accounting Act).

Data processor

We use the following data processors:

TIX, Word Press, Mailchimp, Aalborg Kommune, Nets A/S,, GLS,,

We have entered into data processing agreements with our data processors, which provides a guarantee that they will comply with all applicable regulations regarding the protection of your personal data.

The data processors we use only process personal data according to our instructions and in accordance with the legal requirements imposed on data processors.

We engage external companies in order to help us deliver the best possible service. These external suppliers include data processors and, in certain cases, these parties process personal data in connection with the services they provide to us.

Our website is and our payment system is through, which acts as our data processor. All personal data that you provide on our website will be stored at’s data centres.

Other recipients of personal data

We do not sell your personal data to third parties and we do not transfer your personal data to third countries.


When you visit our website, certain information is collected about you. This information is used to adapt and improve our content and to improve the advertisements displayed on the page. If you do not want this kind of information to be collected, you can delete cookies (see instructions) and refrain from using the website. Below we describe the kind of information that is collected, its purpose and which third parties have access to this information.

The website uses cookies, which are are small text files which are stored on your computer, mobile, or other device by your web browser so that the website can recognize the device, remember settings, generate statistics and deliver targeted ads. Cookies cannot contain malware, such as a virus.

It is possible to delete or block cookies. See instructions:

If you delete or block cookies, the ads you see may be less relevant to you and may appear more frequently. There is also a risk that the website will not function optimally and that that you will not be able to access certain content.

The information is used to identify you as a user and display the offers that are most likely to be relevant to you, to register your purchases and payments, and to provide the services you have requested (e.g. sending our newsletter). We also use the information to optimize our services and content.

The information is stored for the period of time permitted by law and is deleted when it is no longer needed. This period of time depends on the nature of the information and the reason for storage. It is therefore not possible to provide an exact time frame for when this information will be deleted.

Data about the way you use the website, which advertisements you receive and click on, geographic location, gender and age group, etc. is disclosed to third parties to the extent that this information is known. The information is used for targeted advertising.

Your rights

As a data subject, you have a number of rights, which we are required to observe at all times.

You can request access to your personal data at any time and for inaccurate or incomplete personal data to be corrected or rectified by using the contact details provided below. You can also request that the processing of your data be restricted, to obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services (data portability) or object to our processing of your data, including choosing to withdraw your consent.

If you would like to unsubscribe from our newsletter, you can do so here:

If you no longer consent to our processing of your personal data or would like us to restrict the processing of your personal data, you can also send a request to [email protected].

You can submit a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 København K about our processing of your personal data. Complaints can be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] or by phone to +45 33 19 32 00

The above terms and regulations were most recently updated on 1 March 2023.