Vikingegården – The Viking Farm

Vikingegården – The Viking Farm

The Viking Farm consists of nine reconstructed houses, collectively representing a nobleman’s estate as it might have appeared in Vorbasse around the year 980 – during the time of King Harald Bluetooth.

Both residential houses and workshops, including a blacksmith’s forge, are constructed from timber with clay-lined walls and thatched roofs.

On selected days during the summer, there are Viking activities and live workshops at the farm, often with opportunities for active participation from the audience. Check the calendar here on the website for more information.

At the Viking Farm, you’ll find visitor facilities such as ticket sales, restrooms, and a well-stocked museum shop. In the visitor center at the Viking Farm, you can try on Viking clothing and see a small exhibition about the Viking Age.

Right next to the Viking Farm is a mythological playground.

An entrance ticket to Fyrkat grants access to both the Viking Farm and the actual fortress area.